UMD: Macedonia’s New Government to End the Political Polarization

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) congratulates the formation of a new government in Macedonia. UMD encourages the new cabinet to work on improving the economic situation in the country and ensuring a better future for Macedonian citizens. UMD recognizes the strong polarization among political lines in Macedonia, and urges all political leaders in Macedonia to end the political polarization. The role of the political party and its interest should not occupy the primary role in any sphere of Macedonia’s society.

UMD encourages a joint and renewed effort from both the government and the opposition, and calls on both to work together to strengthen the political stability of the country in order for Macedonia to be able to continue moving forward with the reforms that are needed for the country to achieve its strategic goals, including Euro-Atlantic integration. National interests should always be a higher priority than personal interests, and more work and sacrifice is inevitably needed by both sides to be able to overcome the current political crisis and to ensure better living standards and economic prosperity for Macedonian citizens.

Previous UMD Announces Summer Fellows in Washington, D.C.


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